Learn how chiropractic can help fibromyalgia:
The March 15, 2012 issue of the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research documents a case of a patient being helped with fibromyalgia through chiropractic care.
In the case, a 64-year-old woman suffering from fibromyaliga went to the chiropractor. In addition to the fibromyalgia, the woman was also suffering with a large variety of health problems that included sleep apnea, loss of coordination, glaucoma, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, depression, photophobia (sensitivity to light), indigestion, changes in her bowel habits, frequent urination, sinusitis, allergies, shoulder pain, mid back pain, low back pain, high cholesterol, hypertension, and neck pain.
The woman in this case study was on a number of medications, and her health issues were severely affecting her daily activities.
A series of chiropractic examinations were performed including palpation, posture analysis, thermal readings, and X-Rays. The results of the exam showed that subluxations were present and were causing nervous system interference. A course of specific chiropractic adjustments was initiated to correct the subluxations.
After several weeks of care, the study reports that the woman stated that her neck and shoulder pain had improved, her middle back pain had also improved, as well as her eyesight. After 3 months of care, she reported that she was 80% better. Follow up X-Rays showed a considerable improvement in the curve in her neck. The study authors also documented that the woman reported having a much better mental outlook, much more energy, her general strength had improved, and she was able to stand and walk for longer periods of time with no pain.
Interested in learning more? Read more studies showing how chiropractic can heal fibromyalgia:
21 rheumatology patients aged 25-70 suffering from fibromyalgia were studied to demonstrate chiropractic’s effect on this condition.Chiropractic treatment consisted of 4 weeks of treatment. The results revealed that chiropractic improved patients’ cervical and lumbar ranges of motion, straight leg raise and reported pain levels.
In another study, 538 fibromyalgia patients revealed that chiropractors were one of the more common health care professionals they visited.
-The effectiveness of chiropractic management of fibromyalgia patients: a pilot study. Blunt KL, Rajwani MH, and Guerriero RC. J Manipulative Physiological Therapy; 1997: 20(6):389-99
-Prospective, longitudinal study of service utilization and costs in fibromyalgia. Wolf F. Anderson J, Harkness, D et al. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 1997; 40, pp. 1560-70.
Disclaimer: Chiropractic is used to remove interferences (subluxations) so that the power that made the body can heal the body. We make no claims to treat or cure any disease. Please be advised that any information provided prior to an office visit is for general education purposes.
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At Advanced & Premium Holistic Healthcare we have a unique facility to serve you better. We utilize advanced computerized technology that can detect the hidden causes of any health problem with over 50 different techniques to correct the physical, chemical, and emotional blockages that can take place. What makes us different from most doctors is that we focus on correcting the cause of the problem instead of merely treating the symptoms or masking the problem. If you are looking for a holistic approach, you have come to the right place.
God created your body to be healthy. There is a power within each one of us which is our gift from God. That power is called life, and it flows from the brain to the spinal cord and over the nerves to each cell, organ, tissue, and system within the body. Physical, chemical, and emotional stress can cause blockages in the way life is expressed in the body. The block in the expression of life leads to malfunction, dis-ease, and symptoms. By correcting those blockages, we realign you to the power within called life. Only that power can restore function, healing, and health from within. The only thing that comes between you and your health is your body not functioning and healing properly. There is no condition or symptom that God cannot heal. All we do is provide the proper environment so that healing may take place from within.
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