Over 1 million babies suffer from colic every year!
The solution may be as close as your Wellness Chiropractor who focuses on restoring a healthy nervous system. There are numerous case studies that have been published on the benefits of chiropractic care and colic babies, but the most compelling research is a study that included 316 babies with colic.
In this study, 73 chiropractors treated 316 babies with moderate to severe colic. An incredible 94% of the babies demonstrated satisfactory results within 14 days of chiropractic care. 25% showed great improvement with just one treatment! In another study of 132 babies suffering from colic, an amazing 91% of the parents reported improvement within 1 week of care.
A baby with colic who was helped by chiropractic was the focus of a study published in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health on Nov. 28, 2012.
Colic in babies has classic symptoms of crying for more than 3 hours a day, usually at the same time each day, and for at least 3 days a week. Infants may have a hard abdomen, burp and pass gas a lot, spit up frequently after eating, and cry while pulling their legs up and making tight fists. The crying sounds as if the baby is in pain.
Colic is distressing not only to the baby, but also to the mother and father who witness the suffering of their baby, and are frustrated by their inability to help the baby.
In this case an 8-week-old baby girl was brought into a chiropractic clinic with the classic signs of colic. The mother said that the baby cried constantly for up to 5 hours, and that the baby's face showed pain when making a bowel movement. The baby also had diarrhea, and would scream and cry during these episodes.
A chiropractic examination of the baby was performed using static, motion, and muscle palpation. Subluxations were found in the atlas and T11, as well as observations of subluxation in other areas of the infant's spine.
Specific chiropractic adjustments were begun with "…light impulse finger adjustments." The adjustments were made to C1 (atlas) and T11. The care plan included two visits weekly for four weeks.
Immediate improvement was observed after the initial adjustment, and the colic symptoms disappeared after eight adjustments over four weeks. The parents of the baby reported, "After her first visit, she slept the entire night. She did not have the crying spells and we reduced the medication to once per day." After two weeks of chiropractic care the parents further noted, "She (the baby) no longer takes her medication daily. She is now a happy baby. She eats, sleeps and has regular bowel movements with no pain. For the first time since she was born, she slept through the night."
Disclaimer: Chiropractic is used to remove interferences (subluxations) so that the power that made the body can heal the body. We make no claims to treat or cure any disease. Please be advised that any information provided prior to an office visit is for general education purposes.
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Our facility is unique and different because we utilize advanced computerized technology that can detect the hidden causes of any health problem with over 50 different techniques to correct the physical, chemical, and emotional blockages that can take place. What makes us different from most doctors is we focus on correcting the cause instead of treating any symptoms or masking the problem.
God created your body to be healthy. There is a power within each one of us which is our gift from God called life and it flows from the brain down the spinal cord over the nerves to each cell, organ, tissue, and system within the body. Physical, chemical, and emotional stress can cause blockages in the way life is expressed in the body. The block in the expression of life leads to malfunction, dis-ease, and symptoms. By correcting those blockages we realign the person to the power within called life and only that power can restore function, healing, and health from within. There is no condition or symptom that God cannot heal. All we do is provide the proper environment so that healing may take place from within. The only thing that comes between you and your health is your body not functioning and healing properly.
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